A blog that will go on in food that I produce no matter in work school or home... and about my day to day life, food that is interesting to me... Well, that's mostly it.
LIKE I CARED??? celebrating Merdeka in Aus!!!? nothing is gonna happen...watch news...plus RTM is gonna be boring the whole day with repeating shows....BTW!!
I came across this book! called: the flavor bible
one chef quoted- Food without wine is a corpse; wine without food is a ghost. well matched, they are as body and soul: living partners
I came out with a few 1 matching food to wine are like a perfect blind date, gotta have chemistry together the first time
2 flavors, texture and aromas from chefs equals to a soldier's guns, ammos, and armors.
3 garnishing and touch ups of a dish and painting, is equally important for chefs and artists, all we wanted is the expression of; Woah!!
made garlic, butter prawn rissotto yesterday night, will upload pictures later.
Well today it started of good..but I was kinda late to class so i rushed through the library..but in the middle of rushing Sam saw me, then I saw her so, we saw each other!! for the first time...she looks the same when I last saw her....Then it starts falling...went to class turns out it was postpone!! I was like what the ()(&*!! so I went down to the library to try to connect to the WIFI with my notebook...they made it so diffcult to connect it!!. Was about time to head up to class and yeap! the teacher was not there..so I waited while playing with my notebook, heard my phone rang...so I took it out and left it in the hallway!!!!!!! until class ended that I found out...I thought @#$%^!! how can this happened!! but got no time to search for it...and I had to go to the other class...but eventually I found it!! thank god I'm in Melbourne!! Not Malaysia!
But this atm that is my friend...plus Im as well her atm haha... well atm!! since you are in a plane for 12 hours/half a day, I know it's a killer!! But!!... while you are in the plane and check each and everyones blog!!! and these pictures brings back memories!...well if I have the money I will come and visit you in the future... unless it takes more than 12hrs then I woulden't...hehe well girl/women! God bless ya! and all the best in london...go get the scottish accent! and we can't understand you in English...hehe
this is the ATM I am talking about... tung herr's farewell 2009
2007 someone's birthday Prom 2007 2009 PC club celebration
No mood to study...energy level super low!! in TAFE...wanna go home now!!! but its raining!!! Saddening!!!! Coffee did nothing!! I ordered STRONG LATTE!!! guess I need 5 SHOTS!!!! Moko!!! I need coffee!! I want extra strong latte with 2 sugars!!! MELBOURNE STARBUCKS...even I ordered 3 shots only taste like strong latte!! shoot im not sure i spelt it correctly! my spelling is totally out today as well!!
Long time since I blogged.. Yesterday was really tired and my head was in pain after drinking/partying in my onee-chan's farewell...shes from Kyoto, Japan. Then Ying message me that she failed her exam...well I was kinda shock that she? of all will fail? well, she's human after all, not god... Well it's life and life is always full of obstacle... Face it and next time GAMBATEH!!!. Last night was like Japanese night.. have all the japanese food but sadly no SAKE! plus I was speaking a little bit of japanese... talked and made fun of a friend because she was drunk...haha... two of the closes person in life... one has left and one sadden... and I was happy..wakakaka... will blog more later... for now
Yesterday was chatting with moko on msn and she complained she was hungry...So I said well "when the chef is not here and moko said the girl got no yummy food"... We got ourselves a good tag line! Today all I did was grass cutting! made a mess out of myself, all the grass flew to my legs and in my shoes...my Nike!!! omg it's so dirty now!!! have to wash it! and now I gave myself an excuse to buy a new pair of Nike!! hehe.... After all day work I went for a good shower! and came online...was facebooking and suddenly cong mssg me...So then we chatted for a short time told her to read my blog and she ask me to read hers...So I thought her blog would be in mandarin and being !@#$, stereotyping... SORRY CONG!!! I apologize for that... but then she told me it's in english... I was in this moment of okay what should i say next!? then wanted to say sorry...but then she went off...
after all night of playing this is what the score line is...not easy mode, but extended the time to 10 minutes per half time...
Today when down to city for the first time for this week.. had dinner in Chinatown!! and saw this car... thought got free red bull... cause I was given red bull once by these cars, driven by quite hot people...
My coughing is subsiding! but still coughing not so much as yesterday!! plus I didn't go to school today.. stayed at home to rest... went to the doctor turns out I need an appointment first... not like KL no appointment can visit aswell, so it was kinda dumb and didn't make any appointment, then went to safeway and coles supermarket(s), had breakfast in The Coffee Club and went home for medicine! well should not be making dinner cause I'm sick but then because of my baby niece and sis had put her to sleep...so I made 2 dishes for dinner...!! played restaurant city in facebook and made boon yang wear a maid costume..wakakaka!!!
Man U lost in penalty...what the hell?? 4-1?? not good... even the full time looks promising but 4-1 in penalty shoot out is a disappointment... even in community shield...tonight gonna play fifa in wii!! Man Utd vs Chelsea all night!! trashing 10-0!! will take picture of the trashing!!! though it will only happen in wii...
Today I made sashimi at home! wakakaka!! long time never make it...plus i only got salmon!..Im still sick! haiz...my coughing got better! phew! and my runny nose is still here but it's kinda alright... was at home the whole day didnt do anything...just watched tv and surfing the net..didn't cook anything special too..all i did is warm up yesterday's stuff..for lunch and dinner then sis bought something back... thats all for today...
Get To Know Yourself Better.. Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship. The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own. The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy. How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying. What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
kinda true...suppose to post it in facebook...lazy todo it there so i post it here! I'm sick!! like finally!! having slight coughing from sore throat...and after yesterday's strong wind I'm having runny nose! arrrgh...when I wished I was sick I wasn't in fact healthy when I don't wish to be sick I'm sick!! moral of this is never wish for something bad!
Found this video in youtube which shocked me...This "minister" has no idea what he is talking in an international broast cast... How can he be made a minister, is what everyone is wondering over the internet... seriously, if I were you and you are watching and listening to what you said. Better apologize to the countries you listed( discrimination though!)... I suggest you quit being a minister and get a new job or tell the PM to sack you!... Don't really wanna comment about the protest..but whatever "FREEDOM OF SPEECH"!
Lim Kit Siang once quoted: Ministry of misinformation
seems like i cant post the original Al-Jazeera interview, I found this...
And if you can't hear him properly here is the transcript Transcript of Malaysia’s Information Minister’s interview with Al Jazeera News on the Bersih Protest.
Minister: I commend yo-yo-your journalists trying to project… to exaggerate more than what actually happened. That-that-that-that’s it. We are not the-the and I-I congratulate your journalists behaving like an actor, that-that’s it…
Reporter: As you say that, sir, we’re watching scenes of protesters being sprayed by chemical-filled water!
Minister: YA! I am watching! I’m here! You’ve been trying… trying to do it this – to do this everywhere but in Malaysia people are allowed to, you know? We know our police head our colleague… Police have whatever allowed the procession to go to the Istana Negara, you know? Do police, first police, like, they handle them, they attack them, they… the police don’t, don’t, don’t fire anybody?
Reporter: Our correspondent came back to the office, sir, with chemicals in his eyes!
Minister:You-you-you-you are here with the idea, you are trying to project, what is your mind! You think that we Pakistan, we are Burma, we are Myanmar. Everything you-you are thinking! WE ARE DIFFERENT! We are totally different!
Reporter: Well unfortunately when you refuse to let people protest, it does appear so.
Minister: Ya ya we are not like you! You-you have earlier perception, you come here, you want to project us like undemocratic country. This a democratic country!
Reporter: So why can’t people protest then, if it’s a democratic country?
Minister: YES, PEOPLE PROTEST! People do-do… of course they protest. We are allowing them protest, and they have demonstrated. But we just trying to disperse them, and then later they-they-they don’t wanna disperse, but later our police compromise. They have compromised and allowed them to proceed to Istana Negara! Police, our police have succeeded in handling them gently, right? Why do you report that? You take the opposition, someone from opposition party you ask him to speak. You don’t take from the government, right?
Reporter: Why did you not break up these protests…
Minister: Pardon? Pardon? Pardon?
Reporter: Why did you not break up these protests more peacefully?
Minister: I can’t hear you! I can’t hear you!
Reporter: Why did you not break up these protests more peacefully?
Minister: No we-we are! We… this protest is illegal! We don’t want..this… the… NORMALLY…
Reporter: OK, so let me return to my former question. Why is this protest illegal?
Minister: YA! It’s a illegal protest because we have the erection in Malaysia. It’s no-no point on having a protest! We are allowing to every erection… every five years never fail! We are not our like, like Myanmar, not like other country. And, and you are helping this. You Al-Jazeera also is helping this, this forces. The, you know, these forces who are not in passion, who don’t believe in democracy!
Reporter: Alright, many thanks for joining us.
Minister: I don’t, ya, you, Al-Jazeera, this is, is Al-Jazeera attitude. Right
RIGHT... taken from: http://uhaveachoice.wordpress.com/2007/11/14/transcript-of-malaysias-information-ministers-interview-with-al-jazeera-news/
My aunt sent me this video!! I think it's awesome!! check it out!
Still in school... until 6pm!! haihz...long day for a monday! 20 mins more and I have to be in class!! boring! Safety and Security! learning to be a bouncer! wakakaka!!! See how it goes will blog later!!!
Yesterday slept till 3:30!! than went online for a while, ate, and played Wii the whole day! had a bad dinner...than watched tv and played Wii again!..was playing Fifa all play 2009 Team: MAN UTD!!!! and WON English Premier League!! Yeah!!
Just now was so tense! i forgot where I placed my timetable! search the whole study room and my room, but can't find it!! and I was starting to get irritated! so I sat down and slowly think over and remembered where I left it.. In my jeans back pocket!! I watched Eragon! nice!! then watched The Devil's Wear Prada again! I watched it like 4 times already... 1st and 2nd time was in cinema then channel 9 and just now channel 10! Tomorrow have to wake up early! haihz!! well.